The need for coring, drilling and cutting concrete structures arises from time to time; not just with new constructions but existing structures also require coring operations for various applications. The only problem with concrete structures is you can’t tell what is beneath the surface just by looking at it. You need to find out the elements beneath the surface using concrete inspection and scanning techniques, like GPR Scanning and X-Ray scanning.



In this post, we will learn why concrete scanning is required before concrete coring operations.

What is Concrete Scanning?

Concrete scanning is the non-invasive process of inspecting and scanning concrete structures to map the elements beneath the concrete surface. Concrete structures contain reinforced steel bars, post-tension cables, electrical conduits, plumbing installations and other elements. GPR scanning is a commonly-used method to inspect concrete structures and locate the subsurface elements.

GPR Scanning

Ground penetrating radar scanning is a non-invasive method of concrete scanning. In this method, ground-penetrating radar uses waves of a certain frequency to inspect the concrete structure. The waves bounce back when it hits elements beneath the concrete surface. A GPR technician carefully analyses the graphs to map the subsurface elements.

Why Is GPR Scanning Required Before Concrete Coring? 

Concrete coring operations are required for new and old concrete constructions. GPR scanning is required for a variety of applications before concrete coring.


Here are Some Common Applications

Locate Re-Bars and Post-Tension Cable

GPR scanning is used to locate re-bars and post-tension cables. Accidentally damaging re-bars and post-tension cables put the structure under stress. This results in the structure requiring immediate repair to restore its stability, which is an expensive affair. Not just that, sometimes damaging the key elements may also result in minor collapses that would put the safety of workers at risk. Using GPR scanning, you can accurately map the concrete structures and avoid hefty repair works, and ensure safety.

Prevent Accidental Damage Of Conduits

Many times concrete coring operations are required for the maintenance and renovation work of existing structures. Cutting the concrete structure without scanning may result or increase the chances of hitting the electrical conduits, water lines, heater pipes, and other cables. Striking electrical lines results in power outages and electrocution, damaging the waterline with water leakage, and cutting the radiant heating lines can damage the structure. GPR scanning prevents accidental damage of conduits by accurately mapping the concrete structure.

To Detect Voids

GPR scanning is used to detect voids which can occur in a concrete structure for various reasons.These voids need to be filled to ensure structural stability. Also, drilling a concrete structure in weakened areas may result in accidents and significant structural damage that is costly to fix. With GPR scanning, you can prevent such accidents.



So, these are the three key reasons why concrete scanning is required before concrete coring operations.